Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Inspired by Renaldi

A few days ago I was looking at dozens of photography blogs in order to get inspired for my last photo project of the semester, and I came across Richard Renaldi's blog. The more of his projects I looked at, the more I realized that I love his work! Touching Strangers is the project that I was really impressed with, concerning both quality and concept. Renaldi created these unique group portraints by finding two or more people who are strangers to each other, and posing them in a way that requires them to touch each other somehow.

This project is brilliant! The expressions on the strangers' faces are genuine; the subjects are transparent, and you can tell who is uncomfortable and who is warm and open. I'm fascinated with the fact that people can so easily and quickly interact if there is a "reason" to. The body language in each of the photos shows who is relaxed and comfortable with the idea of touching a stranger and who is uneasy.

I began this project yesterday, and have taken 5 portraits so far. My process is very much the same as Renaldi's: I meet at least two strangers, ask them if they would like to participate in my photographic project, and pose them before taking a small amount of photos. Typically, I don't allow time for introductions until after the photos are snapped - this allows everyone to remain interacting as strangers. After I've taken a few photos, I begin introductions and thank my subjects.

Here are the portraits I have taken so far!

Touching Strangers, A Continuation
Gabbie Hernandez-Webb
Denton, TX 2011

Seantay & Terry

David & Gwen

Kevin & Caleb

Victoria & Ben

Josh, Cody, & McCall

I'll be adding more photos to the blog later this weekend! Stay tuned!

Monday, April 25, 2011

i'm not tired. really, i'm not...

I'm home in Abilene for the weekend, and my visit's run a bit long due to the weather throwing a fit. We were about to head for Denton this afternoon when golf ball-sized hail decided to come rocketing down. So, naturally, we're leaving Abilene at 4:30 AM so I can arrive at UNT in time for my 8 AM Photography class.

I should probably go to bed now, but I feel like I'll miss something important if I sleep. I know this isn't a unique or rare thought, but I'm just itching for summer break to hurry up and get here! Not just because it'll be a short break from school, but mostly because I really miss spending time with my family. A lot.

This summer I want to spend time with all of my siblings, collectively and individually. I want to spend a weekend with each pair of grandparents and learn from them while I help them with things around the house. I want to take as many photos as possible of my family, so I won't regret not making the choice to freeze time when someday my siblings are going to college or getting married and I think to myself, "How did they grow up so quickly? I still remember them being 12 and riding bikes!"

Basically, I want to be home. I love UNT, and my experiences there have been unforgetable. That chapter in my life has been fantastic and so much fun, but I feel such an urge to begin the next chapter. I know it will be beautiful and full of growth, I can just feel it. And I want it so badly.

Anxiously awaiting Graduation & The Rest of My Life,

Friday, April 22, 2011


Lately, to keep from getting too stressed with thoughts of finals and papers and projects, I've been reading Ted Dekker's Showdown. Aaaaaand, playing Pandora in the background while I work on PowerPoints and documents that threaten my sanity. Long story short, this blog is not meant to be about negatives; so I'm sharing with you the positives that are keeping me afloat this week!

Number 1:   Showdown by Ted Dekker, one of my favorite authors. While it's not his newest novel (The Priest's Graveyard), I'm just now getting around to Showdown and, I have to say, I love it so far! Can't put it down! It's only meant to be my Take-A-Small-Break-From-Homework Book but it's quite the page-turner. Anywho, I highly recommend this. A very good read.

Number 2:   The Call by Regina Spektor, along with her other fantastic songs! I first heard the song during the credits of Prince Caspian, and the song has made me tear up ever since. While the Regina's voice and music obviously are relaxing, the words also remind me of God's love for me and that He will help me through anything. Suffice it to say, this song has been on loop various times throughout the past week.

Number 3:   Last, but definitely not family. And my boyfriend's slightly unshaven, scruffy face. Sigh... How adorable in all it's scruffiness. I'm so glad you can't see my silly grin right now.

I hope your week is going well. If you're a student, don't let finals get the best of you! We're almost to summer! Goodnight!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

the past 2 weekends

My sweet Mom came down to visit me last weekend! We talked about her graduate counseling program and my undergrad English/Photo program, and how we're both so ready for a break. So, as kind of a teaser of the upcoming summer, we did everything from homework together & running errands to sleeping in & getting coffee. Lately I've been really needing the intimate, safe connection that comes from family, and I've been so blessed to visit with my family for two weekends in a row. It's really helped me "keep calm & carry on", as the saying goes.

The weekend before, I went up to my grandparents' house and visited with them, my dad, and his kiddos. I gave Dad a tour of UNT's campus, my favorite coffee shops and cheap but yummy restaurants, and my classrooms. After that we spent a lot of time at my grandparents' place with the kids, cats, and BBQ (yummm).

I happened to have a photo project due Monday morning and I hadn't been feeling very inspired lately, so the past two weekends have been ideal for some cute snapshots! I love the pictures I got of my mom and a couple of my sibs. These memories are so sweet, and I've already bought some new picture frames to hang around my room!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

11 things that make kris incredibly happy

Tonight I had the privilege of spending the evening with my ruggedly handsome, amazingly kind sweetheart.

Oh, I love him. He looks so strapping in his new steampunk-style vest. Anyway, before I begin drooling, here are 11 things that make Kris incredibly happy!

1) God
2) my family [and Gabbie, tied for second]
3) my friends
4) whenever you wake up inexplicably in the morning, way earlier than you expected to, and are perfectly awake.
5) good books
6) good coffee
7) playing music
8) cooking
9) snow days
10) a good hard day's work
11) going to sleep after a good hard day's work

There you have it, folks. My adorable boyfriend. Have a lovely Friday & weekend!

Monday, February 14, 2011

new esty shop! eeeeeeeeeee!!!!

I did it, I finally did it! Today I jump-started my Etsy shop! So far I've listed 6 items, and there are more to come soon. There is a 15% off Grand Opening Sale for the first two weeks; I wanted to celebrate the beginning of my shop since I've been wanting to explore this for so long! Feel free to drop by! :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

11 things that make me incredibly happy

Tonight I'm making my first official happy list! I've been inspired by taza to make a happy list on a regular basis; I feel that reminding yourself of positive things is healthy for your mindset as well as your relationships. I'm committing to make one every Thursday evening...I think this will be a good practice for me! Feel free to leave a happy list of your own in the comments!

After an overwhelming two weeks, I've taken time to thank God for everyone and everything special He's put in my life. Throughout busy days of classes, work, and my social life somewhere in the mix, I'm constantly reminded of things that make me happy. Here are a few I've been thinking about lately!

11 things that make me incredibly happy:

1) talking to my lovely family on the phone.
2) an impromptu early-Valentines Day gift exchange with my sweet boyfriend!
3) great friends who bring me food while i work the front desk at my dorm (thanks, ashley & sky!)
4) thinking about everything my parents do for me, and how i'm so grateful.
5) the satisfaction of finishing an art project.
6) wedding photos! lately i've been addicted to
7) occasionally splurging on a bagel & blackberry lemonade.
8) long, warm hugs.
9) when i find an email or letter from my little siblings.
10) knowing i've helped someone get through a rough day.
11) hearing my boyfriend's voice over the phone as i fall asleep.
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